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Word in Leetcode

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2952. 需要添加的硬币的最小数量

1 Sort the coins array and maintain the smallest sum that is unobtainable by induction.

maintain 维护

unobtainable adj 难得的 不能得到的

2 If we don’t use any coins, the smallest integer that we cannot obtain by sum is 1. Suppose currently, for a fixed set of the first several coins the smallest integer that we cannot obtain is x + 1, namely we can form all integers in the range [1, x] but not x + 1.

Suppose 假想假定

several 几个数个

3 If the next unused coin’s value is NOT x + 1 (note the array is sorted), we have to add x + 1 to the array. After this addition, we can form all values from x + 1 to 2 * x + 1 by adding x + 1 in [1, x]'s formations. So now we can form all the numbers of [1, 2 * x + 1]. After this iteration the new value of x becomes 2 * x + 1.


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