刚才在 github 上面看到一句话,大概意思就是能理解,但是里面有一些生词不清楚,看能不能把这个学习生词的过程搬到现在的这个博客里面?
Turn your searches into gift cards with the Microsoft Rewards Extension.(通过使用微软的rewards插件将搜索变成礼品)
Earn rewards points for searching.(通过搜索赚取奖励) ;earn “v 赚的,挣钱,赢得”
Redeem for gift cards.(兑换礼物卡)
One-click to see your points and offers.
Change back to Google Search? The "Microsoft Rewards" extension changed search to use bing.com. Keep Bing as your search engine, you may be prompted to switch back to google as you default search, select keep it to earn points faster.
Pin the extension to you browser.
Ready to earn? get points when your search, shop, play games, and more
Redeem 做动词,意思为“赎回;救赎;兑现;兑换”, He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn(他无法赎回典当的家具)
Pawn n 典当;兵;人质, vt 当掉,以...担保
entertainment "n 娱乐"
delivery “演说”
retail “n 零售,v详说; adj零售的”
Thank you for your interest in Github Universe.(感谢你对 Github Universe 的感兴趣)
We successfully received your email address! We'll let you know as soon as registration is open.(我们成功的接收到你的邮件地址,我们会很快让你知道注册开始)
大概就是 github 举办的一个 Github Universe 的大型活动, 时间在 10 月 29-30 号, 标语: The world's fair of software.
Oct 28 Day0
- 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Certification testing at interContinental San Francisco, Ticket add-on,Register to take on-site Github certification exams
- 10:00 am-5:00 pm Special programming at interContinental, Invitation-only programming.
Oct 29 Day1
- 8:00 am Doors open at Fort Mason Center, Pick up your badge, breakfast, and you favorite morning beverage.
- 9:00 am-9:45 am, Day 1 keynote, watch the keynote in the Main Stage theater with the GA+ keynote pass, Hear about github's latest innovations
- 9:45am - 5:00 pm, Activations, Visit the Github Shop, Github Expert Center, sponsorship booths, Demos & Donuts stage, the newly launched Career Cornet, on-site certification testing, and more.
- 10:15 am - 5:15pm, Breakout sessions, join as many sessions. Panels, and discussions as you'd like.
- 5:00 pm-6:30pm, Evening block party, Celebrate the end of day 1 over drinks and horsd'.. with your peers
Oct 30 Day2
- 8:00 am Doors open at Fort Mason Center, Grab breakfast, coffee, and settle in for day2.
- 9:00-9:45am Day 2 keynote, learn github's Ai-porered platform vision for the future
- 9:45am-4;00pm Activatins, Visit the github shop...
- 4:30pm Universe sessions end , it's not "goodbye" but "see you next year!"
Ticket add-on 常解释为门票附加项,门票的基础上额外增加的服务/项目/费用
Innovation 创新革新
今天在下载软件的时候, 命令行给出了这个提示。
不出意外,我把 15 款的 mbp 系统升级到了 12.7
Running brew update --auto-update
... Warning: You are using macOS 11. 你正在使用 macOS 11 的版本 We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version. 我们不再为这个老版本提供支持 It is expected behaviour that some formulae will fail to build in this old version. 在这个旧版本中,一些公式将无法建立预期的行为。 It is expected behaviour that Homebrew will be buggy and slow. 一些预期的行为将会变得奇怪变得缓慢。buggy adj 古怪的 Do not create any issues about this on Homebrew's GitHub repositories. 在 homebrew 的 github 仓库不要创建任何 issue Do not create any issues even if you think this message is unrelated. 如果你认为这些信息不能达到也不要创建 issue Any opened issues will be immediately closed without response. 现在是 open 状态的 issue 也会被立即关掉。 Do not ask for help from Homebrew or its maintainers on social media. 不要询问任何帮助在社区里面。 You may ask for help in Homebrew's discussions but are unlikely to receive a response. 不会得到回应 Try to figure out the problem yourself and submit a fix as a pull request. 自己解决问题然后提交 pr We will review it but may or may not accept it. 我们会核查,或者不接受。
一个地铁站的英文名称 JinCheng Auenue
avenue means “大街;林荫道;途径;方法”; There are many beautiful trees along the avenue(沿着这条林荫道有许多漂亮的树);Several avenue are open to us(有几条途径可供我们选择);改词在接到路牌上一般简写为“Av”或者“Ave”。
Avenue 还可以用于比喻意义,如“avenue of escape”表示逃生的方法, “avenue of research” 表示研究的途径。
Several means “几个的;专有的;各自的”, prop means “几个;数个;一些”, “Several English the examation questions!”, "Several times she let me laugh"
n. “合同;契约;协议”的意思, “They signed a contract for the supply of materials” 他们签订了一份材料供应合同。
v. “使收缩;使缩小;订立合同;签订契约”的意思,“They company contracted to build the bridge” 这家公司签订了建桥的合同。
adj. 常见的意思是“有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的;” This ticket is valid for three days. 这张票有效期有效。A valid argument must be based on solid evidence. 一个有根据的论点必须基于可靠的证据。(evidence 证据)
valid 常与 invalid(无效的)相对,在法律合同等方面,valid 用来强调具备的有法律效力。valid 强调合理性和可靠性。
执行一个 sql 语句的报错: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous. 就是说这个 id 模凌两可,不知道用哪个。
Ambiguous adj 意思是“模凌两可;含糊不清的;不明确的”,
例如:His answer was ambiguous and left me confused. 他的回答模凌两可,让我感到困惑
例如:The instructions were so ambiguous that no one knew exactly what to do. 这些指示太含糊不清了,以至于没有人能确切的知道该怎么做。(instructions 指令;说明;指示,so that 的语句, exactly 确切的。)化简这句话 the instructions were ambiguous that no one knew what todo
lazyvim youtube 学习视频
let's navigate to the Lua config folder 我们导航到 lua 的配置文件里
Navigate 这个单词是动词, 常见的含义是“导航;航行;驾驶;找到正确的方法”,例如 The ship navigated through the stormy sea. 这艘船在波涛汹涌的大海中航行,(这里的 navigate 表示航行); In modern cars, GPS is used to navigate 在现代汽车中,gps 被用于导航;
You can bring up a huge list of help pages to search by pressing leader sh. 通过按键 leader sh 我们能够得到一个大的帮助页面。
今天来研究 nerdtree, 一个文件资源管理器。
The nerd tree is a file system explorer for vim editor. Using this plugin, users can visually browse complex directory hierarchies, quickly open files for reading or editing, and perform basic file system operations.
hierarchies 是 hierarchy 的复数形式,意思是“等级制度;统治集团;层次体系”
the company has a strict hierarchy of authority(这家公司有严格的权利等级制度。)
但是 lazyvim 内嵌的是 neotree.nvim, 我们简单来看一下这个。
The below screenshot shows new-tree opened 'netrw style'(:Neotree position=current
). When opened in this way, there is more room so the extra detail columns can be shown. This screenshot also shows how the contents can be sorted on any column. In the example, we are sorted on "Size" descending.
extra 意思为“额外的;另外收费的;特大的;” extra allowances 额外津贴
descending 意思为“下降的;递减的;下行的;降临的”, 是 descend 的现在分词形式;the plane was in a descending flight.
The biggest and most important feature of Neo-tree is that we will never knowingly push a breaking change and interrupt your day. Bugs happen, but breaking changes can always be avoided. When breaking changes are needed, there will be a new brance that you can opt into, when it is a good time for you .
Interrupt 意思“打断;打扰;中断;阻断” Dont interrupt me while i'm speaking.
toggle 意思“切换;转换;拨动;击打”, Toggle the light switch to turn on the lamp.拨动电灯开关把灯打开。
Commit checks are not available during indexing.(在索引过程中,不提供对 commit 的内容进行检验)
这个是 pycharm 在刚打开的时候出现的提示,就是说在 pycharm 对项目所用到的包进行索引的时候,是没有办法对 git commit 的信息做校验,就是有些 commit 需要以 feat fix ci 这些开头,需要校验。
Join Github Education! 关于什么是 Github Education, 可以阅读链接文章:以学生身份申请 GitHub Education
Github Education opens doors to new skills, tools, and a collaborative community eager to drive innovation. Join us ans build a foundation for your future in technology.
Github Education 为新技能、工具和渴望推动创新的协作社区打开了大门。加入我们,为您的技术未来奠定基础。
Collaborative 是形容词,意思是合作的,协作的, a collaborative project
eager 是形容词,意思是“渴望的;热切的;热心的”, 如"He is eager to learn"
innovation 是名词,意思是“创新;革新;新观念;新方法”,如 "This product shows the latest innovation in technology."
刚才在 fork github 上面仓库的时候,有这样一句话:
A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.
大概得意思就是复制一个仓库,fork 出来的仓库允许你 在不影响原来仓库的前提下自由的实验、修改。
Experiment 意思为“实验、尝试”, 指为了检验某种假设或发现新事物而进行的活动, 例如 "he conducted an experiment"
Affecting 是动词 affect 的现在分词形式,作为形容词意思是”动人的;感人的“,作为动词表示”影响;侵略;使感染的“
Conducted 是动词,是 conduct 的过程分词,表示”组织;安排;实施“, 例如"the teacher conducted the class smootyly"
Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.
大概意思是 wikis 提供了一个地方在仓库里面,为了构建项目的路线图,展示当前的状态、软件文档和其他的。
lay out 是一个动词短语,表示“布置;设置;安排”, 例如 she carefully laid out the clothes on the bed
roadmap 意思是“路线图;规划图;蓝图”, 例如 the company has developed a detailed roadmap for its future growth
Deprecated extensions detected.Review them and migrate to alternatives.
deprecate v 强烈反对,对..表示极不赞成
detect vt 发现,查明(de-完全,加强 + tect藏,覆盖);第三人称单数detects,现在进行时detecting,过去式detected,过去分词detected,派生词detectable adj